
Fellow Portland Americans! While I am absolutely confident that most of you are itching to vote in the November midterm elections—since, after all, it is the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION of our lifetime, thanks to Trump and the GOP's continuing efforts to overturn our democracy—it is extremely important for you to either register to vote (which you can easily do here) or MAKE DOUBLY SURE YOU ARE ALREADY REGISTERED.

In the olden days of our country, if you were registered to vote, you could pretty much count on that registration being there for you until you move or die. NOT SO MUCH ANYMORE. States all over the country are experiencing problems/shenanigans with their registration process, and hackers now have the ability to screw around with voter rolls, making registrations disappear or changing information that could make you ineligible to vote. (And we all know which political party would benefit from that, right? No? The GOP, guys! IT WOULD BENEFIT THE GOP, OKAY??)

That's why it's a smart move to check and make sure your current registration is up to snuff. Here's a simple and FAST way to check your registration—in fact, they promise it will only take 30 seconds! (Full disclosure: It actually took me 31 seconds because my fingers were misplaced on the keyboard, and I spelled my name like "Eo;;os, Ji,[jtru." Individual results may vary, but yeah... it pretty much only takes 30 seconds.)

SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Click here for your 30 second (or if you're slow like me, 31 seconds) voter registration check! In half a minute, you can help save America!